If you're currently a college student or ever have been, you will certainly relate to all these important moments every student goes through during their college years, especially during finals week. No matter what field of study you went into, we all have this in common! We go through the same problems, we speak the same words, and of course, we all study our asses off. Our roommates have probably wanted to punch us in the face, but it's very important to just say to yourself: "Study hard, take a breath, you will do great.”
Regular exams are bad as it is, but when we get to finals week- the anxiety doubles. After exam after exam after exam, suddenly you're at the last exam of your entire college career! And when you finally pass that gruesome, awful test- you feel as light as a feather when the anxiety passes through. There is no better feeling!
Here are 11 examples of the agonizing stress of finals week!
1. When the date of your exam is close and you literally feel like you have no time to study.
4. When your roommate has had enough of hearing you repeat the same things out loud, and they finally tell you:
5. When you haven't slept in a week and you become a different and much ruder person.
6. When you have no time to do anything besides study. No time to eat, no time to shower, and definitely no time to sleep.
7. Your friend realizes that you need to eat so you do- but the only thing you could think about is the amount of work you're putting off.
8. When you don’t pass a test so you go to a bar to cry it out.
9. When you finally pass your last final exam!!!!!!!!!!!
10. Celebrating finals being over!
11. Telling your friends you passed, but they knew you could do it!
Remember, study hard! It will be worth it for a successful career!!