Getting ready for finals is almost more stressful than the actual test itself. Whether it is just a paper, an actual test or a project finals week can be a stressful time for anybody. Even though finals week is still several weeks away, the stress of it is just beginning. Who else would understand the stress of studying finals week better than the cast of "The Office"?
When you have a test in every class to study for and not enough time
This is the most stressful day of your week. It is that Sunday where you realize that you probably should have made these study guides earlier in the week, instead of binge-watching Netflix. This day is probably not your best decision you ever made but hey, it's too late now!
When you are going on eight hours at the library
Being trapped in a small room stressing about all of your classes with 100 other people trapped and stressing is enough to make anyone go crazy. Spending the day at the library is beneficial, but sometimes it can just be too much.
When someone tries to tell you they have more work than you do
Nothing is worse than someone who is trying to compete over "who has more work." We get it: You have work, I have work, we all have work. What is the point in trying to compete over who has more work? It's basically a lose-lose situation for everyone.
When you are trying to keep yourself from having a breakdown
Sometimes we all need to cry -- we reach our breaking point and just have had enough. You try everything you can to try and keep yourself from getting to this point. Just remember: deep breaths, and it will all be okay.
When you have a study group and try to learn material you "didn't understand"
Look we all "miss" classes. Whether it is because you are sick, tired, watching Netflix, or just don't feel like it that day, you are inevitably going to miss at least one class during the semester. Chances are the material learned this day will also be 80 percent of the exam and you will just have to learn it all. Congrats.
Just studying, in general, can be rough
As college students, we all tend to believe that our lives are harder than anyone else's, and studying just adds to that. Studying is rough for everyone. I understand! And honestly, sometimes these tests just feel like the hardest thing we have ever done.
Even though studying for finals is rough, just remember: In a week or two it will all be over, and you will be at home cuddled up with Netflix and your dog, listening to Christmas music in no time.