Finals suck. There's no other way to put it. And that minute when you finally tell yourself you need to start studying, you realize that there are so many others things you could be doing with your time, so obviously you need to check off that long list before pulling out your books and getting to business.
Even if nothing comes to mind, but the thought of having to actually face the fact that you need to study makes you want to die a little inside, here are some things you can do that are so much more productive than that bio test you have in two days.
1. Start a new TV show.
2. Watch every single music video from Justin Bieber's new album.
3. Go to the gym for the first time this semester.
4. Look up DIY arts and crafts on Pinterest and try all of them.
5. Taste test every kind of peanut butter there is at the grocery store. Then rank each one in a number of categories.
6. Look up "cats" on YouTube. You'll be occupied for hours.
7. Start your holiday shopping. Nothing like a little retail therapy.
8. Unpack from Thanksgiving Break. We all know you haven't done that yet.
9. Buy every self-tanning lotion at CVS and see which one makes you look like you just came back from the Islands but without looking too orange. Ya feel?
10. FaceTime every single high school friend, even ones you haven't talked to since graduation. Hey, no time like the present, right?
11. Unfollow anyone who hasn't liked an Instagram of yours in a month.
12. Try out today's new Snapchat filters and proceed to send videos of yourself to all your friends.
13. When that runs out, Snapchat photos of you looking like your studying so that others think you're smart.
14. BuzzFeed quizzes. Yes.
15. Look at food porn on Insta.
16. Go for a run, for like an hour, and then lay on the floor for an hour. Recovery is key.
17. Text all your friends to see if they're studying because if they aren't you'll feel 10 times better about yourself.