Thanksgiving, a holiday no one really understands in the U.K. or the rest of Europe, has always been one of my favorite holiday's (besides Christmas). My family has this tradition where we'll all come together on Wednesday, the day before, and each bring our designated dish and enjoy one another's company and the many blessings which surround us. Then, on Thursday there is time for the immediate family to spend time together. Since my family is pretty big, loving and supporting, being around them is always a joy. It gets super loud with the music and laughter but I wouldn't trade anything for those moments. With that being said, being 4,000 miles away isn't ideal on such a special holiday and it definitely sparks all of the feels. In the spirit of being away from home this holiday season, I've decided to list the top five things any student is bound to miss when away for study abroad on Turkey Day:
5. The Christmas Decorations
Although this article is dedicated specifically to Thanksgiving, November is also the "Ease into Christmas" month. For example the lights have already been lit in Chicago in honor of Christmas and when it comes to decorations, since there is no such thing as Thanksgiving decorations (except for the hand turkey and what not), why not begin to fill your surroundings with Christmas joy? This one also depends on where your study abroad program takes place. For example, in London Winter Wonderland has already taken off, but every place isn't the same.
4. Tradition
From getting the whole family together the day before Thanksgiving, as mentioned above, to simply helping mom and dad in the kitchen with the fest for Thursday night, tradition makes any holiday memorable and joyful. I know there are some families who put the Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving day or go and give food out to the homeless as an annual thing. Tradition reminds us of the past, helps us live in the present, and makes us excited for the future which is why I love having Thanksgiving traditions.
3. The Holiday Atmosphere
For the most part, the holiday spirit is all in the air once November hits. People are easily in a different mood and hopefully are walking around with a positive attitude. I'm one of those people who believe when someone else is in a good mood and spreads around that sort of happiness, even those in the worst of moods can't remain cold hearted. And since people are more likely to be around each other with all of the shopping for the season, the radiance of happiness and holiday spirit is great for everyone! Although the holiday atmosphere is still very much present while abroad, it doesn't compare to feeling it at home sweet home.
2. The Food
This one shouldn't need too much of an explanation... Personally, coming from a family of cooks who have to cook soul food every Sunday because it's part of the work menu, Thanksgiving food comes pretty effortlessly for my family. When you're studying abroad either the proper ingredients can get a little pricey, especially for a one time meal, or there is just so much effort to put into cooking that a student's schedule doesn't allow. I'm definitely missing the home cooking this year and I'm sure that could go for most students overseas.
1. Quality Family Time
The holiday's are all about family, family, family. And as someone who is family oriented, I'm missing my big crazy family the most out of all things this Thanksgiving. Being around them brings me so much happiness and laughter that it breaks my heart to miss out on their presence this year. They are the people who remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing. They encouraged me to study abroad and have supported me along the way. Once I do return home I know they'll be waiting for me with opened arms but for right now when it comes to the top thing that students miss while studying abroad during the holiday season, quality family time takes the prize.