I always loved the concept of studying abroad. To me, it was an exciting and fascinating experience that I could only hope and dream for. I was always hesitant of venturing out from what was most familiar to me (this country and everything it has given me) before finally coming to the conclusion that I would love to face my fears and go to a place that is unfamiliar but exciting. I distinctly remember the butterflies and nausea I felt as I was departing my family at Dulles Airport. Though, looking back on my experience months after it actually happened and having the time to reflect, I can say studying abroad was the most beneficial thing that I could have possibly done.
To immerse yourself in a culture that is worlds apart from the one you grew up in is itself one of the biggest lessons I learned. You start to realize just how small you are in a world that is increasingly getting bigger and bigger. As much as studying abroad is for realizations, it is also for the thousands of mistakes and obstacles you encounter throughout the entirety of your journey. You come back with the confidence that you can tackle anything and everything. Challenges are inevitable, at home or abroad, but your perspective on them changes.
You start to meet people that lead lives that are completely different from your own. Studying abroad helps you see that there is more to this world than what is constantly around us. Sometimes, we are so caught up in our daily lives, our day-to-day routines, that we do not stop to think about how other humans lead the same day in a completely different fashion.
Not to mention learning the ins and outs of a whole new culture. Learning the currency was by far the most fascinating aspect from my time abroad, along with getting accustomed to the language barriers. I remember having to rehearse what I would say just to get a cup of coffee. It is such a drastic difference from ordering coffee here, where I do not even have to think about what to say. Conversing with locals, either in English or their native language, was one of the most incredible things about being abroad. Learning new phrases, new words, and new sentences in a different language is much more entertaining than you would ever think it is.
Never be afraid to broaden your horizons and venture out further than what you are familiar with. It definitely seems nerve racking and scary in the beginning, but days and hours pass and you begin to feel like this is your heart blood, your very calling. When you come back to the States after being abroad, you will wish to spend all your days being in different countries exploring new cities, learning new cultures, and conversing with new people. It is thrilling, and all the more because you get to come home to those that are familiar to you, with hundreds of new stories and pictures.