With the first week after spring break under everyone's belts, teachers and professors have all teamed up as one giant force and decided to start assigning papers, tests, and other variations of long homework assignments. All these assignments are coming at you so fast that you feel like it is nearly impossible to get it all done before all of your overwhelming deadlines.
However, remember, this is only the first few weeks of school and classes. As long as you keep up the work load at a steady pace that is beneficial for you, you can conquer these monstrous research papers and malicious tests.
1. Carry around a planner
Whether this is a school planner, the fancy one you bought from target or the bullet journal you spent too much time designing, having something physical to look at for remainders of assignments help a lot.
2. Start making flashcards early
Everyone starts to cram for finals a week before they happen and this usually involves making hundreds of flashcards after translating the semester worth of notes. After every lecture, make a handful of note cards and study them for a few minutes every night. Repeating this will make the information stick longer and the workload a lot easier to handle.
3. Make a to-do list
Write out every single assignment you have, along with the corresponding due date or deadline. This somewhat correlates with the planner in the idea that having that physically paper to view and acknowledge, lets your brain know what assignments you need to spend more time on and which ones can wait until tomorrow.
4. Physically write out your entire day
This meaning, chart out what time you wake up, mark when you need to eat and go back to sleep, and whether you work or not that day. That way, you can see the open times in the day for studying and working on assignments. It helps avoid procrastination or future stress and anxiety.
5. Actually stick to your schedule made previously
The easiest thing to do after returning from a class is to plop back down on your bed, take a nap, or just scroll on your favorite social media page. But this will make your workload pile up, which is how stress sneaks its way in. Also, making sure you are getting enough sleep and eating right is just as important as keeping up with your studies.
6. Take notes on the assigned readings
Even if it's just one paragraph or ten pages. Reading for homework does not mean no homework, and the information in the text is bound to be relevant in the future. So make sure to take notes during these readings to avoid having to re-read everything the night before the final exam.
7. Ask questions earlier rather than later
Even asking about a study guide, some professors have them already posted somewhere. So studying that as early as possible can help your understanding of the material and give you more time to communicate with the teacher on the parts you're unclear about.
Remember that your school year is almost over, and soon everyone will be celebrating summer vacations together. But staying focused now and cracking down earlier rather than later, will save you from overwhelming yourself with work down the road.