As a college student, I can say staying up late studying for exams is not the best thing in the world. It is tiresome and at times difficult juggling class work and other responsibilities. Most students who are involved in other extracurricular activities and organizations especially feel the pressure cramming work in their limited time. Lack of time can lead to bad choices and bad study habits. The following are a things I learned throughout my experiences in college.
1. Get Sleep!!!
Pulling all nighters the night before the exam is not a good idea. It leads to burn outs and fatigue the following day when you have your exam and most likely all the information crammed wont be remembered.
2. Eat a Meal
I know everything has to be submitted by their deadlines and eating takes up your time, but it's better to not get sick when everything has to be done.
3. Prioritize
It's bad enough you feel overwhelmed with the work load and then not know where to start. Start from the beginning. Making a list of most difficult or time consuming can facilitate the process of completing everything
4. De-Stress
When nothing makes sense anymore take a break. Exercise, sleep, talk on the phone...etc. Do something that isn't relative to school.
5. Feel Confident
After all the effort put into studying walk into the exam feeling confident in yourself. You made it.