How to study as if you actually want to be studying. Which you don't, but...
1. Spread your flashcards out, placing a piece of your favorite candy or snack on each one.
When you get the definition or information right, reward yourself with your treat! If you don't, put it back in the flashcard and try again after doing some of the other flashcards.
2. Take turns helping a roomie/friend study.
This way, you'll have a build in study break when you are helping them memorize whatever they need to study!
3. Take your notes to the gym.Â
Me, personally, I like to get on the stair master and read my notes while working out on a machine I know I won't fall off of. Multitasking can help you concentrate and hone in on what's important.
4. Rewrite your notes and color code different words or topics.Â
Using color while studying has been proven to help you remember things better. Rewriting your notes, especially when you typed them originally, forces you to actively remember and retain the information.
5. Present or explain your study information to someone else.
This is one of my favs. When you present what you are studying to a friend and explain everything as if they have never heard of it before, it helps you remember it better because you have to explain it in your own words. Bonus points if your friend asks you questions and makes you think critically about the information.
6. Draw your notes as diagrams and pictures.
A lot of people are visual learners, which college tends to not cater to. Organize your notes as charts, diagrams, or pictures so that it's easier to study.
7. Study somewhere other than your room.
Studying in your room can be comfortable, but sometimes it's too comfortable. Go to a coffee shop, the library, or a nice place outside and study somewhere other than your own house. If you're like me, you'll start cleaning up or messing with other items you have in your room to procrastinate if you are studying something you don't want to be studying.
8. Create a personalized study guide for yourself.
Get all of the information you are really not sure about and put it all together one 1 or 2 pages of paper. Use different colors, pictures, and techniques throughout your study guide to help you remember the information. Not only will you be rewriting it, you will put it together in a way that you can understand it best.
9. Break up your studying in 30-45 minute increments rather than studying for hours.Â
If you study in short groups of time, then you will have to remember the material to recall whenever you go back to study it again. If you study all at once, you don't really have to retain the information. Breaking up the information will help you remember everything better and force you to break up the material so you can concentrate better.
10. Sing your notes.
Sometimes if you come up with a jingle or an acronym about something you are studying it makes it a lot easier for you to remember. It might not make sense to anyone else, but if you understand it and can remember it to sing to yourself during your test as if it was your favorite Drake song, you'll do great!
11. Hang your notes around your room.Â
Write definitions or little bits of information on sticky notes or little pieces of paper and hang them up around your house. This way, while you're doing your normal tasks you can see them and read them at random. Just like its important to visualize your goals, seeing your notes helps as well.
12. Come up with funny sayings to remember things.Â
My friends and I use to do this ALL the time in high school and I have always used it as a study technique. For example, "8 times 8 went to the store to get enough food for 64". Works like a charm!
13. Study while multitasking.Â
This doesn't work for some people, but it works well for me. I like to play with my dog, cook, and walk around while I study. It makes me have to focus harder, so I really remember the information.