Finals week is the biggest part of the semester because it can be a huge factor in your grades and can take its toll of on college student, but there are many tips that can be used to ensure the week is less stressful so the grades will be better and students will be happier. Full-time college students know it can very difficult to take all their finals in one short week with preparing for the tests and other social obligations.
Teachers sometimes schedule the class or give you multiple times you can take the test out your own leisure so the first strategy is to space out your finals on a schedule that gives you plenty of time to look over all your notes and assignments throughout the semester to review for the tests. Teachers usually give out a paper or project that will be turned in at the end of the semester so it is important to not save that for the last minute because then you will be trying to meet two deadlines at the same time and it will interfere with your studying. Always plan out when you will have time to work on the end of the semester assignment and make sure all homework is turned in. I had all my end of the year assignments turned in the week before they were due to give myself plenty of time for studying and preparing my exam study sheets.
Also, the teachers are there to help you prepare and explain the problem you may be having with class concepts or content. The college has a library full of tutors and books that can give you the study materials and extra help when things are not clear. I got plenty of help this year from peers and tutors that have helped me in succeeding in my classes. The biggest problem people face in life is admitting they are wrong and need help in fixing what they are struggling with and not understanding, but there are plenty of people who need the same help and could all benefit from asking one another.
Another big tip is studying with friends who have the same class as you and study some alone. The importance of studying with classmates can help you get any questions or problems with certain topics answered and can help you develop better answers and help them prepare better when they study alone. I think studying with friends can stop a person from studying incorrect answers and can help a person talk out solutions and answers to the problems to give them a better understanding.
I usually try to print out study guides teachers prepare for you and answer all the questions thoroughly as possible and read over every question to be sure I understand it. I ask classmates any questions I have a and I search for certain terms and question online to better prepare my answers. I also write out my answers over and over again and say them aloud as I quiz myself because I feel the repetition of all of those methods will help you remember more and save hours of studying. The key is to know as much as possible for the exam to be sure you understand the class so the key points of the class will be emphasized and should be known.
One last tip I have is studying where you feel the most comfortable. Personally, I like studying at home because I feel comfortable and I can use my computer and my desk to spread out all my notes from the semester to look over everything. I also have the internet if I need to ask any questions. Some people need better discipline and will have to go to the library to avoid all distraction and have complete quiet. They may be easily distracted or not have any peace at their home, and studying at the library can help you answer questions sooner because they are more resources and people around you to help.
Studying for finals can be very stressful and a hard time for everyone, but with these study tips you can be successful and you can also develop your own or modify these in order to be successful. After my finals just finished I passed every single final and had very good grades, so I feel pretty confident for my next round of finals.