This study was conducted by a single girl at Appalachian State University who thinks she's way funnier than she really is. Surprise! That student is me. I like to spend my days over-analyzing people and situations in order to find reasoning for why things never go my way. As I sat in one of my best friends' couch eating ice cream straight out of the carton and binge watching "Parks and Recreation," I finally realized the reason for my single-hood—I'm really, really, ridiculously funny.
As any other single college girl, I spend the time I'm supposed to be spending paying attention in class reading articles about the problems of our generation and how guys are just jerks who are scared of commitment. While yes, this is very true - boys are selfish idiots, there is an underlying cause to this issue. There are the very rare, ridiculously funny girls, and guys are simply just intimidated by it. Boys want to date plain average girls that are boring with absolutely no personality because it's easier. No one wants to date the outgoing, hilarious girl (me) that always has the spotlight on her for pulling knee slapper jokes. (If you are in a relationship please don't take offense to this. There is always the exception).
Guys want to be the funny one. They don't want to feel like they can't keep up with your jokes and just look like the funny girl's boyfriend. They want to be in the spotlight and make you and everyone else laugh. I've realized that my problem is that my humor is so much better than probably any guy's out there that everyone always wants to be around me all of the time. My laugh is so contagious it echoes across the room like soft utterances into the Grand Canyon. While I do appreciate the funny guy, I also appreciate so much more the guy that thinks I'm funny. But since most guys have no appreciation for female comedians, I'm constantly getting dumped for being "too funny." At least that's what I think is the reason.
When you look at it, all of the best female comedians out there are single and it's because men feel insecure being with a funny woman. Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Chelsea Handler, Kristen Wiig, Mindy Kaling...the list goes on. They are all single and it's because they're funny. And now, as I am writing this, I'm realizing I'm probably going to be single for the rest of my life. It's fine. At least my humor will never dump me.