Among many things, study abroad has taught me how to be independent. It really forces you into independence.
My first year of college, I went home nearly every weekend. I did all my laundry at home. I was able to call home when I had a problem. I depended on my boyfriend and parents more than I probably should have.
When I moved to Dublin, Ireland, I quickly learned that I would not be able to call my dad or mom whenever I had a problem. I would have to pay for my laundry (WHAT?). I would have to learn the bus system. I would have to go out and make friends because I didn’t know a single person. All these things were a struggle at first, but a beautiful struggle because it has changed me!
These challenges have helped me develop into an independent person who can make her own decisions without fear of disapproval. It has helped me become confident and more outgoing. Nothing can compare to the change I have experienced while here.
When someone studies abroad, you grow as a person beyond what you can imagine at the start. You will learn to love the culture; you will learn to become sociable with anyone. You will join clubs or societies you never thought you would join. You will adopt the culture as a part of you that you will then take home. You will make this place your home. These are only a few things that study abroad has done for me.
If you are considering study abroad, DO IT. You hear the phrase “once in a lifetime opportunity” quite often this day and age. But the truth is, this experience is something you won’t be able to experience outside of college. You will get a job and the bills will hit you like a brick wall. So, take the risk and study abroad. Embrace every change of lifestyle you experience while there. Don’t let anything tie you down.
Adventure is out there, go find it.