Studying abroad is an amazing opportunity that every college student should take advantage of if they can. Avoid these mini-disasters to have the time of your life while you're abroad!
1. Pack for the right season.Â
GiphyThis is as easy as checking to see what the weather is in the foreign city you will be visiting. If you're going for longer than Spring or Winter break, do some research to learn about the climate of that region during the time of year you will be visiting. Wearing a tank top in Spain's Winter may not only make you super cold, you'll also be marked as a tourist. Layering is always a good idea, so bring light layers that will keep you warm or cool depending on what you need!
2. Don't look like a tourist.
GiphySome cities you may visit will be notorious for their high priced tourist areas and even pick pickpocketing. It's in your best interest to avoid looking like a tourist. Skip the football jerseys, flat brim hats, flip flops, and tube tops. Looking like a tourist can make you a target. Do a search about what the general population wears in the country or city you're visiting, and wear something close to that.
3. Pack the right gear.
GiphyFrom scarves to sneakers. Look at what you'll be doing, where you will be going, and pack accordingly. You don't want to be excluded from visiting a gorgeous church because you didn't have a jacket or scarf with which to cover your shoulders or have to limp home after a night of walking in uncomfortable shoes. You will be sad.
4. Don't get the spicy meal.
GiphyOr eat the hot peppers. Or in some places, drink the water. You know what I'm saying? Know what kind of foods you can tolerate and take it easy on the extra stuff. Being stuck in the dorm or hotel because you went in on the triple fire menu item will absolutely suck the fun out of your trip. So will having to stop at the bathroom every 20 minutes and having to pay to get in, not be able to use toilet paper, or not know how to flush, because you never know when you're abroad.
5. Don't drink too much.
GiphyDon't be that person. You don't want to be hung over for any amount of time on your trip, and you DON'T want to be the person that others have to take care of or keep track of because you can't handle your alcohol. If you're not of legal drinking age at home, or you don't know how much alcohol you can drink without being stupid, have ONE, or skip it entirely. There's a million reasons to go out with your friends while you're abroad, and a million reasons to be super careful when you do. Like the fact that your professors that you someday ask for a reference are definitely going to remember that you made a fool of yourself. No offense. Make good choices.
6. Know where you're going.
GiphyThis means, download a map of your city to your phone. Have a plan for taxi rides. Don't depend on your international cell service and your "keen sense of direction" while you're abroad. You do not want to be dragging your drunk friend, while wearing uncomfortable shoes, needing to use the bathroom, and then being surprised when you learn you walked in the opposite direction of your hotel for 30 minutes, at 2 a.m., and then have to spring for a cab because now you're lost.
Not fun. Don't do it.
7. Don't hang out with people who kill your vibe.
GiphyGive people a chance. Don't be a snob. But don't feel like you have to hang out with people that are not trying to have the same experience that you are. There will be a lot of different personalities on your trip. Accept that now, and release your judgment of them. Find someone who wants to do the same kind of things as you, or has a similar vibe as you, and do things with them. If that means that it becomes an outing for two or four instead of 12, roll with it!
8. Don't be a jerk to anyone.
GiphyThis should be such a no-brainer, but here we are. When you are rude to someone, be they a classmate, a local, or anyone else, you are ruining the trip for everyone. Not only is the person experiencing your rudeness having a bad time, but anyone nearby is probably feeling distressed and awkward. Not to mention, anyone viewing you as a representation of a U.S. citizen is labeling you as well. Be nice. Be kind. Settle your differences calmly and privately.
9. Don't be judgey.
GiphyIf half of your group wants to get up and run at 6 a.m. instead of sleep, let them run. If half of your group wants to find the closest Hard Rock Cafe instead of at a local place, let them eat. No one wants to be judged. You're entitled to your feelings on all subjects. You are not entitled to make people feel bad for their choices. So please, keep your judgey faces and your two cents to yourself. If no one wants to do what you want to do, consider changing your mind, or work a little harder to convince someone that your company and your idea are worthwhile. Either way, be nice about it.
10. Don't miss out.
GiphyThe biggest pitfall of studying abroad is not going. You really are missing out. Sign up for the info sessions. Find the money. Talk to your parents. Get a summer job. Whatever you have to do, do it.
Studying abroad is the opportunity of a lifetime. Do it! Do it right.