Study Abroad is something UNCG has really pushed for me. I've always wanted to study abroad, but I never knew if I would be able to. However, now that I know it is a possibility, I still have a few fears that are probably normal, but still, need to be discussed.
1. Money
GiphyMy biggest concern is how I'm going to pay for my time abroad. UNCG is great about keeping things affordable, but what about other things? What about travel and souvenirs? There are tons of scholarships to apply for that really will help you in your time away, even with souvenirs.
2. Homesickness
While studying abroad can be an amazing experience, I tend to worry about missing home, specifically my mom. I'm very close to my mom and I don't know what it would be like to not talk to her nearly every day. Time zones are a problem on top of busy lives, but I'm sure we can handle it!
3. Getting Lost
I'm planning to study in South Korea and I am terrified of getting lost. I've grown up in a place where there isn't a lot of public transport, but Korea runs on public transport. So, getting lost on the subway in a foreign country is a massive fear on top of getting lost in a foreign country in general.
4. Friends
I'm super shy, to begin with, but going to the other side of the world is putting me way far outside my comfort zone. Making friends in a new city, a new country, where they may not speak my language sounds ultra-anxiety inducing. Once I'm there I'm sure I'll be fine, but the anxiety will linger until.
Overall, the experience of going abroad will always outweigh the fears I have. Going to a new country will always be scary, especially if you're going alone, but by overcoming the fears you have and enjoying the time you've been given, your time will always be worth it. And remember, you're not the only person in that situation.