Well, would you look at that! There's a test coming up. But it's no sweat; I mean you've studied, right? No? Well, that's okay. There's plenty of time left! But it's going to take some work (it always does) and you're going to have to get to it if you want to be successful.
Alright, so first things first, you've got to find that spot where the magic's going to happen. Are you a library person? How about a coffee shop? Everyone's got that place where they do their best work, even if it's just in your bed (if you can resist the three "N"s: naps, Netflix, and the Net).
So, now that you've found your place you've got to get into the right mindset. That means getting off social media (yes, really), not fretting about the big game you're missing, and making sure you're in a productive place, physically and mentally. If you're a person who needs quiet, make it happen. If you've got to have music, put on something that'll get you to focus, not dance. It's hard to get into it went you've got to take a jam break every few minutes. If you want a personal recommendation, no one ever took a jam break listening to Mozart, and you might like it more than you think.
So let's get to it.
Okay, maybe it's a little harder that you thought. Studying is pretty abstract, so the key is to make it concrete. One method that always works is to tackle those old exams your professor puts online. The best way to practice is to do just that: practice. If there aren't any old exams, use yours! Get the answers to ones you've done, or take problems from the textbook (you've got to get some use out of that thing). The best way to study for an exam is to simulate it. Over and over again.
That's all there is to it! Newton's First Law applies to studying, too; it might be hard to get that initial push to start, but once you're in it, you'll be surprised at just how productive you can be.