For a college student, taking a class is a fun, challenging experience. We have many thoughts racing through our heads. Since it is a college course, there are issues that go with it. Here are some things students think about during a class lecture.
1. The professor has not shown up for 15 minutes, that means class is cancelled, right?
College policy states that attendance is strict. It is important to show up on time or you will end up like last year's iPhone (thrown out and forgotten.) However, if the professor does not show up on time for class, you will think class is not in session for the day. The syllabus claims the number one spot, making this the second most suspenseful part of any class.
2. I hope the assignment is extended for a week
There comes a time during a class when the professor gives an assignment that they expect you to finish after just one or two lectures. If the task requires a lot of writing or a presentation, you want to make sure everything is done correctly and professionally. However, with the stress of assignments from other classes, this is a phrase that will haunt any student.
3. Since the slides are posted online, can I take a nap?
When sitting in a big lecture hall, the professor might talk about giving a slideshow presentation. You also hear that the slides will be posted to read for later. The feeling of taking a quick nap when the lights turn off soon overwhelms you. You want to get some extra sleep, but feel you could miss something important by not taking notes. This is a painful thought.
4. What should I eat after class?
A campus is a monstrous place. Among the many buildings where academic success, fun, and unnecessary amounts of homework are found, you will be thinking about where to stop for some breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There are many locations on campus to grab something to eat (if you did not have time to stop before class) with friends. If you, unfortunately, did not eat before class starts, this thought will most likely follow the symphony of wolves (or Seawolves) howling in your stomach.
5. I hope the professor lets us out of class early
During a few lectures (the ones that are boring) you and a portion of the class wonder if the class will end sooner than expected. This is the moment when you start asking questions, work harder to finish assignments faster, and hope the professor decides to let everyone leave before the end of class. This might happen or it might not. Sometimes the professor finishes a topic and moves on to the next one. They will either allow the class to leave or talk for another half hour.
6. Is there another class I could take to fulfill this requirement?
Students might take a class that is interesting but not exciting. They hope that they can switch to another one that involves their field of study without the stress. The student thinks about this in class and online while searching for classes as well.
7. I want to get out of here
Anyone sitting in a big lecture will usually be thinking this. Unless the class includes a mind-blowing discussion on an interesting topic, slideshows of cool art or short-cuts to solving math, this is a phrase you will be screaming in your head.
8. I wonder what events are happening on campus today
Being that college campuses are huge, you will want to get involved in recreational activities. It is important to study, but you do not want to overload yourself with too much work. This is something you will think about if you do not have time to check the calendar. After class, you will be looking on the bulletin board for flyers of fun activities happening on campus.
9. Participation should really count more
Many college students feel that work is important, but too much is insane. Students probably wonder why participation in a class is 10 percent when you are required to speak up. At some point (if you have not thought about it by now) you will want to figure out why professors consider exams and papers more important than active participation in class.
10. Hopefully, I will be able to find a job after I graduate
No matter what year you are, everyone thinks about this at some point during their class. Freshman are the most worried, sophomores and juniors are planning their next step in life, while seniors are excited but nervous about facing the real world. By communicating with the right people, success will be possible, and this phrase will not scare you too much.