The most dreaded time of the year has arrived at Rogers State University. Finals week is a week full of midnight cram sessions, sleepless nights, and lots of caffeine. It is a time where students contemplate dropping out based on the amount of stress they are experiencing. It's probably the worst week of every college student's semester. As a student, I sympathize with your pain, but we will get through it!
1. Looking at the final schedule online and starting to panic.
Once you look at the final schedule online, you realize how many finals you have to take. After you finish panicking about the number of finals, you then realize how much you have to study. The panicking never ends during finals week.
2. When your teacher says the final is a take-home exam.
If this doesn't make your entire week, then I don't know what will. There is no better feeling then hearing your professor say your exam will not be in class.
3. What minimum grade do I need to get to pass?
I'm pretty sure every student calculates what score they need on their final exam. It's either a time to freak out because you realize your grade isn't salvageable or you realize if you bomb the exam you'll still receive a good grade.
4. Sitting down to finally study and not knowing where to start.
Suddenly you're at the last week of the semester, and you're not sure what you've learned. The classes you're taking start to seem similar, and you can't decide which one needs the most attention.
5. Having multiple mental breakdowns because you can't seem to focus and crack open the books.
Finals are stressing you out and trying to study is even more stressful. I would anticipate at least three mental breakdowns during finals week.
6. When everyone is going out but you're stuck in the dorm studying.
Finals week looks a lot different to some people. It's either a time to study or it's a time to go out because it's the last week of school.
7. You realize all you have had is caffeine.
When you're staying up late cramming for finals, you have to stay awake. We all turn to caffeinated drinks like Red Bull or coffee to stay alive.
8. When you're not sure the last time you've slept.
Since you're hyped up on caffeine and cramming for finals sleep hasn't been an option. Finals kind of get in the way of sleeping for a full eight hours.
9. You start stress eating.
Finals week usually means junk food. You're focused on studying and sometimes forget to eat. The quickest meal is usually fast food or whatever junk food you find in your dorm.
10. Your stress level is through the roof so you contemplate dropping out.
In the weeks preceding finals, I hear "I should drop out" more than usual. It is a time in the semester where studying becomes overwhelming and you think dropping out is the best option.
11. When is this going to end?
Finals week is miserable, and sometimes you can't see an end to all the studying. You try to motivate yourself in every way possible to keep going, but you're more than ready to be done with school.
12. The only thing on your mind is summer.
You rather be on the beach than sitting in the library studying.
13. I know nothing.
You finally start studying and realize you actually didn't pay attention all semester. So you try and cram a semester worth of knowledge in one night.
14. It's 3 a.m. and you don't know the material so you give up and go to bed.
If you don't know the material by 3 a.m., you aren't going to know it come exam time. You accept you'll fail and realize you gave your best effort.
15. Crying tears of joy when you finish your last exam and you can go home.
Finals week is rough, but we all have to go through it! All of the studying, mental breakdowns, and no sleep will pay off in the end. It will be over before you know it, and all you have to look forward to is getting to go home. Good luck to everyone taking finals!