In response to the school shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida, students across the nation are staging walk outs, marching, and protesting against the failure of congress to take action to prevent gun violence. Survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School started the Never Again movement to advocate for gun control.
Fifteen year old Lane Murdock started a petition for the National School Walkout. On April 20th, 2018, at 10 am, high school students will stage a walkout. Some are planning to simply sit outside their school and protest, others are planning to head to their local city hall, wearing orange and holding signs, demanding for action to be taken against gun violence.
April 20th is the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. In 19 years, nothing has changed. No action has been taken to create and enforce stricter gun laws. No action has been taken to create a safer school environment.
In February 2017, president Donald Trump signed a bill that blocks background checks on people with mental illnesses, making it easier for anyone to own a gun. The Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms. However, those protesting gun violence believe that 18th century laws can no longer regulate 21st century weapons.
Trump has now proposed that we arm teachers. In a recent tweet, he stated, “Must be offensive, defense alone won’t work!” This has caused many people to be even more angry about the situation. Guns are the problem, and bringing more of them into schools would only be causing more problems.
Most students can’t vote, yet they are fighting to be heard. Across the nation, people are joining the Never Again movement, signing the National School Walkout petition, as well as planning other events in their communities. They are voicing their opinions about gun control to prevent another school shooting from happening again.
Some schools are threatening to suspend students who protest. Needville school district is just one example. Superintendent Curtis Rhodes posted a letter to social media stating that no student will be allowed to protest during school hours. Regardless, the movement continues to grow. Students are speaking up, saying enough is enough, and they refuse to be silenced.
Through the National School Walkout twitter page, you can register your local walkout. Students across the nation are encouraged to take action in their communities. Kids should not wake up and be afraid to go to school. The National School Walkout flyers state, “We are students. We are victims. We are change. Let your voice be heard.” Click the link below to sign the petition.