During finals week, you are very likely to encounter these five people.
1. The student who hasn't even seen the library until this week
This student is easy to spot because they usually have books and papers spread all over the table and probably the look of pure fear on their face.
2. The extremely prepared student
This student has been studying for finals since the first day of class. They read every chapter of the book before the syllabus was even handed out and they are more than happy to tell everyone in the class.
3. The procrastinator
This student has thought about studying on multiple occasions and they'll start.. just right after this show is over!
4. The crammer
This student has not slept in days and probably will not close their eyes again until after finals are over. You usually find them in the library somewhere around "The student who hasn't even seen the library until this week", but with way more empty coffee cups surrounding them.
5. The Student who only has one final
You can easily spot this student because they are probably the only one smiling on campus. They only have one final to study for, and they love to tell everyone about it!