As a college student, I know I am constantly feeling like I’m one step behind. Balancing tests, projects, homework, extracurricular activities, meetings, while still trying to maintain a social life and get enough sleep can be extremely stressful on the body. Some people are able to handle all of their responsibilities with ease while others are in a constant state of panic. I tend to relate more to the latter. I stress out extremely easily when it comes to my schoolwork and always feel as though I am one step behind even though I try to get things done a week in advance. I’ve always set high standards for myself when it comes to my grades, as do many college students. So we worry and stress and end up working and studying more than necessary. However, putting this kind of stress on our bodies can be detrimental to our health. We need to remember that we are only human and we can only do so much in a day and we have to learn to be okay with that.
When I have tests and projects due, I lock myself in my room or the library and will spend hours working a week in advance. It is times like these, however, I have to remember to take time for myself. Realize when you are actually studying and when you are not retaining information. Once your focus starts to drift that is your signal to get up move around, go get some food, or even go talk to a friend. You also need to plan for bigger breaks than just small brain breaks. Take time out of studying to go eat a meal with a friend, or plan to work out at a certain time and actually go. Working out is actually extremely beneficial to the body when it is stressed out. After sitting all day in a desk studying you need to get up and allow your body to be active. You’ll be able to take out all your stress on your workout and after your workout your brain will produce endorphins that will make you feel better. If working out isn’t your thing then find other activities that you enjoy that will get you up and about and away from your studies for a while—go get a pedicure, dance it out, watch an episode of your favorite series do whatever will give your body some relaxing time.
I find it extremely helpful to talk to a friend or your parents when you’re stressed out. Venting to others is a good way to get the stress off of your chest and you will most likely find that your friend is just as stressed out too because, well, we are in college and stress is just a natural part of our experience. Talking it out with someone else will also help you realize that you are not alone and that everyone has their own problems. Sometimes we like to keep our stress inside so we don’t come off as whiny and a complainer, however, if we share our stressful situations with others, then we can all help each other through it instead of having to deal with it on our own.
When I start to get really stressed out, I also take time to step back and evaluate what exactly I’m getting stressed out about. Many times I start to get anxious and stressed about all the work that I have to do, but when I take a step back and make a list of what I need to do that week, I realize that it’s not as bad as I think. By making a schedule of what assignments I will accomplish each day, I am able to calm my stress because I know that I will get it all done. Remember that. You WILL get your work done. Even if you feel like you have a mountain of homework, it’s never as bad as you make it out to be and it will all get done.
College can be a stressful time in our lives but it can also be the best time in our lives. It’s the last few years before we enter the real world, so we should cherish the time and enjoy it. Take time out of your studies to go out and make memories that you will smile back on years from now. Remind yourself that reviewing the material for the sixth day in a row isn’t necessary and go out with your friends for dinner or watch a movie in your apartment with friends. While our studies are important in college, don’t let them overtake your life. Remember that your GPA doesn’t define you.
You are way more than a letter grade.