Two of my best friends and I started SLAM uniVERSE quite recently. We get so much praise and recognition for all that we have done to get it started. However, that doesn't mean we encountered some difficulties along the way. Here are some things we learned throughout the process.
1. Find Passionate, Driven, and Responsible Co-Founders
Most schools require you have two other people who are willing to sign on your behalf when starting an organization. First of all, you want to make sure these people are reliable, cooperative, and passionate about the cause you're starting. It helps if you've known these people before!
2. Bond with your board members
Figure out each other's strengths and shortcomings. Learn each other's pet peeves and favorite ice cream flavors! A well-bonded team is morel likely to communicate and keep each other accountable in the future.
3. Use other clubs for reference!
Don't expect your team or yourself to have everything figured out like older clubs. Remember, older clubs already have an established system. You don't! And that's okay! The best way to learn is from those who have succeeded. Who says you can't pick up a couple tricks and tips for them?
4. Don't fret, there WILL be people who are interested
One fo your biggest fears may be that nobody will sign up or show up for your club meetings and such. This is highly unlikely if you've done all that you can to promote your club. Big campuses have different minded people, but also a lot of likeminded people. I'v seen clubs that range from Yug-gi-oh trading to League of Legends, Anything is possible.
5. DO designate responsibilities
This cat is trying to do everything by themselves which is why the cat is STRESSED. Don't be afraid to assign people roles in the making of the club.
6. DON'T try to make things perfect the first time
You will make mistakes. Things will not turn out as well as you want it to. That's okay!
7. Utilize the power of social media to its greatest extent
Engage in every possible group that your University is related or connected to especially on Facebook and Instagram! Let's face it, flyering isn't the best way to do things anymore. Social media is making things so much easier to get the word out. Utilize it !
8. Try to get on the school newspaper!
I know what you're thinking, "Who reads the newspaper anyways?"
Listen, making it on the paper is exciting! It's one of the easiest ways to gain access to a media outlet that is directly connected to your school and therefore to the students.
9. This shouldn't feel like a burdensome obligation, if it does, rethink your involvement or establishment of the club
If Max is you whenever you have to go out of your way to do something for the club, then rethink your investment in this club. Remember, you're putting your time and heart into this! You want to make sure you enjoy the cause and process. Don't just do it for the resume.
10. Email counselors and reach out to similar or related clubs
Established clubs are a great way to find new members and start collaborations to get your name out there! Counselors send mass emails to thousands of students everyday!