So you had a difficult semester. You failed a few tests, received mediocre grades, and didn't try as hard as you could have. Maybe you had a reason behind all of it or maybe you were just slacking off these past few months. Whether you're a freshman or it's your last semester of college, it could happen to anyone. It's easy to get caught up with other aspects of our lives and lose focus when it comes to our school work. No matter what the reason, we can make it passed this.
This semester was a tough one for me. I cried a lot. I cried more than I ever have during a semester. It was the first semester of my junior year of college, and you'd think college would be easy by now. Unfortunately, I felt like this whole semester was just a blur. Personally, so many of my friendships ended and I was completely alone. On top of that, I learned about some scary medical issues that I'm facing with my body and I also spent a lot of time focusing on family matters back home. With all of these different things going on in my life, I was under so much pressure and experienced a lot of stress. Grades were the least of my problems.
We all have some crazy things that happen in our lives, and most of the time they happen when you least expect it. During this past week of finals, I had so many thoughts about how rough this semester was for me and how I know I was not the only one. I took some harder classes this semester and, with all of the craziness going on, I did not receive the grades I was hoping for. But you know what? It's okay.
As a college student, it's just nice to be told that everything is going to be okay. We need it to make it through the hard times that we face in school. We stress ourselves out over grades more than we should. We cry about the fact that we chose the hardest professor to take. Sometimes we even consider what life would be like if we dropped out of school because we're so over this semester. If you're one of these people that goes crazy about grades, I'm here to tell you that everything is going to be okay.
So you failed a class. It's alright, you can always retake it next semester. Although some people don't agree, graduating in four years may not be a huge deal for others. It's okay to stay an extra semester or two to retake a course and achieve the GPA that you desire. Under certain circumstances, receiving a poor grade in a class in just inevitable. As much as that really sucks, we can't beat ourselves up about it. I've seen so many people have mental breakdowns about a bad grade, and I wish they understood that that could be prevented.
At the end of the day, it's just one grade. We can recover from it. Our self worth really isn't judged based on our good or bad grades. You are not defined by the 40 you made on that test or the A you received in physics. Sometimes, instead of crying about your bad semester, you just have to move on and know that you are smart. You are capable of great things and your future will be okay no matter what. It's okay to strive for perfection, but it's not always as simple as we wished it was.
College is a place to learn. We learn within our classes, but it's also a place to learn about ourselves. We have so many new experiences to learn from, even if it's from that one hard semester. You can get through this, I promise. As long as you regain your focus and push yourself, you can recover from your bad semester. Everything will be okay.