Being a parent and student can be challenging and exciting. It is for sure one heck of a ride! Here are 10 things that you can definitely relate to if you are both a student and a parent.
1. Naptime is a work haven
When you have little ones toddling around, naptime is a blessing for any parent. For those of us who also work or go to school (or both) naptime can be the only time during daylight hours to get work done.
2. Scribbled homework is acceptable
Toddlers are crazy. You run to the bathroom for 30 seconds and the living room manages to explode. Mine likes to smuggle crayons in her diaper and color things when I am least expecting it. As long as the homework is legible, it is acceptable.
3. School work can be fun
Biology vocab review is never fun… until you do it in song and dance version with your child.
4. There is always that one ‘fur parent’ in every situation
If you are a parent to a real live human you will know that they have their way of working into casual conversations at school. In these situations, pet owners can be the most annoying things. “Oh my god, my dog does the same thing!” or “I totally understand, I have two cats.” We get it, you love your pets. I love my pets, too. But please don’t compare creating, birthing, and raising a good adult out of a screaming, giggling, pooping machine to adopting a dog.
5. You don’t look forward to breaks for the parties
I have been dying for spring break to be here for weeks. Unlike many of my friends, I will not be traveling to a beach or be getting blackout drunk. However, I am SO EXCITED to be able to sleep in until the little one wakes up. No homework, so I can go to bed early. SLEEP. I am excited about sleep.
6. However, breaks are never really breaks
If your child is anything like mine, they are super healthy and well behaved. Until a break comes around. Christmas break = flu for the whole family. Spring break = sudden onset of the terrible twos. Thanksgiving = ear infection. Something always comes up.
7. Priorities are different
Yes. Getting a good grade on that test is very important. However, when my baby is sick and in need she will come first. I will study while she sleeps feverish on my chest. I’ll miss sleep and meals to take care of a fussy, cuddly child. My baby comes before my grades. A test is a test. A class is just a class. But my child, she’s my love and my life. There’s only one, and she comes first.
8. You feel a little left out
A little? How about a lot. Being a student and a parent is isolating. If you look hard enough you may be able to find some cool ass momma’s like yourself (I’m talking about you Becca, Jenna, and Allison). Sometimes you feel left out in a normal setting, though.
9. You’re cool with it
I would rather have great friends who accept me as who I am, being a mother is a part of that. I don’t need friendships that don’t extend beyond Thirsty Thursday specials.
10. Parenthood always shines through
When Ky was a baby I’d catch myself rocking back and forth out of habit in class. Embarrassingly, my boobs would leak in the gym (breastfeeding is messy, ladies and gentlemen). Now that Ky is older, the fun stuff has started. I find waffles in my purse and toys in my backpack all the time. I catch myself humming her favorite kid songs and cursing in kiddy language (holy monkeys, batman!). Being a parent has shaped you in every aspect of your life, including school.