If you are a college student or have ever been a college student, who has lived in a student apartment, you know that there are certain struggles that you have to put up with.
Student apartments are usually cramped, with large companies trying to money off us unfortunate college students. Do they really care about us? Individually, no. As a whole, yes, because we bring in the big bucks.
Think of all those rent checks, all those extra charges (parking, dog, trash violations, etc.), and those late fees... they're in Heaven.
Here are 5 experiences that you'll probably find relatable if you've ever lived in a student-housing apartment.
Thin walls.Â
I know, I know. It's a student-living apartment, I shouldn't expect much. But, if I am paying over $800 a month (not to mention people who pay over $1,000), I should at least not be able to hear my upstairs neighbors having sex!
Party atmosphere.
Okay, this is where you argue that college is prime partying time... but is it really? And even if it was, does that still apply when it's 3 a.m. and music is still blasting?
Dog poop everywhere.
And I mean, everywhere. I guess college students are responsible enough to get a dog, but not responsible enough to pick up their dog's poop.
Trash. Everywhere.
Beer cans. Liquor bottles. Pizza boxes. You name it and I guarantee it's littered around the complex somewhere. It's like moving away from home meant everyone lost their manners.
Ill-informed staff.
I'm not hating on the staff per se, but the amount of times I've been told the wrong thing... Not to mention the times when I've been told one thing, then happen to be in the front office when they tell someone else a very different thing... I just wish they were all well-informed and were on the same page.
Side note: Not hating on all leasing office staff, I have dealt with some incredibly nice people who have done everything in their power to help me.