Homework, classes, work, social clubs, sports practice, play rehearsal, friends, eating, sleeping, and breathing, the list goes on! There are so many things on students’ minds. As a student myself, I feel like I have to schedule a specific time for everything that goes on during a normal day. So, the big question is, how do you handle it all? Well, here are some tips and tricks I use.
First of all, to help me schedule classes and homework, I use this app called “My Study Life.” It is truly a life saver! You can tell the app when your classes are, when homework is due, and when your exams will be. It will remind you to go to class, to do your homework (before it is due) and to study for that exam that is next week. I also put my work schedule in it too. Some people use planners and notebooks for homework, but I need this app because planners and notebooks don’t remind me that I have homework due in 3 days, I have to look at it. I am a very forgetful person and I would forget to look. This app has my back!
Secondly, I use the normal calendar app on my phone to schedule other things such as special events and meetings. I use this for similar reasons; it reminds me what I have to do, it is on my phone so I have it with me all the time, and I can see all my events in one spot. This helps me to keep track of my play rehearsals, social club parties, various appointments, and other non-school related events like dates with friends and family.
Now for the eating and sleeping part, that’s where it gets pretty tricky. During freshman year I had no schedule for this, and I would sometimes eat dinner at 1:00 am. That was a very stressful and difficult year for me. This summer before I came back to school I decided that this was going to be a better year for me, and it has been. I created this schedule for myself. I have a bed time of 10:00 pm, and my alarm is set for 7:00 am every morning. When I follow this I feel so much better, well-rested, and clear-minded. I get a shower and go to breakfast at 7:30 am and take vitamins and supplements that also help me. Some days I’ll have some free time before classes in the morning after breakfast, so I can do homework or just spend some time alone, but never go back to sleep, because that puts my body into that ‘sleepy mode’ again and I’ll be sleepy all day. Also, don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. That is key to having a good schedule.
So, try some of these things, and see how different this semester is than other more-stressful semesters. I definitely recommend using the apps for your phone if you are anything like me (very forgetful). Also, getting a good night’s rest and not skipping meals is just as important if not more important than being very organized. Good luck this semester!