So you’re new to the University of Hawaii at Mānoa… Moving away from home is a big step. You’re taking your first breath of freedom. You might miss home and are anxious about what the semester has in store.
But not to worry! This article will help you with the ins and outs of campus and make your life a little bit easier! Here are 15 ways to get over all of your freshmen fears.
1. Take a hike.
Take advantage of the ‘Āina (Island) there are so many hikes around! The easiest hike I would have to say is Diamond Head and Lanikai Pillboxes. For a more difficult one, Koko Head is the winner! It’s a struggle up those stairs but the view is breathtaking! Personally my all time favorite is Kuliouou ridge trail. It was my first hike on this island and still my favorite! Get out and go explore the island a lot of fun awaits!
2. DaBus.
Only use Bus 13 when you need to! This bus is one of the longest bus rides because it goes through Waikiki and stops frequently! So if you want to go somewhere like the mall, then I recommend bus 18! Also a faster way to Wal-Mart is taking the A! Lastly, download the app Dabus. Yes, that is the name! This app is useful by showing what time the bus leaves. One thing I will say is plan on getting to the bus stop 10 minutes before your bus arrives. Sometimes they tend to arrive earlier than the said time.
3. Bring your umbrella.
Bring an umbrella everywhere! Even when you think that it’s the clearest day! It can rain out of nowhere! You do not want to be soaked in the rain and then have to attend your morning class with A/C on!.
4. Get that money.
Apply for scholarships and grants! This will help make college a little more affordable. STAR is a wonderful website that the university has provided to apply for all sorts of great scholarships! So go check it out.
5. Cheap college books?
Don’t buy bookstore books! Buy from other sites such as Chegg or Amazon. Those are two of my favorite sites! The bookstore should be your last option.
6. On the hunt for a good teacher?
Take advantage of! This website is extremely helpful when picking teachers for your classes! Also, towards the end of the year when you pick next semester’s classes. Map out your classes based on your teachers.
7. Get involved.
First semesters are always rough, but if you get involved with our 200 plus RIO’s (registered independent organizations) i.e. clubs, Greek life, honors societies, etc., friends will come natural and it will be easy not to think about your home life as much! I joined the newest sorority Phi Mu last fall and gained a second family. So don’t let being unsure stop you. Take advantage!
8. Stay organized.
Don’t take advantage of the parties too much! Be responsible and stay organized. I love using my planner I write everything in it! I also love using different color ink for each subject! School should be your number one priority as a student. If you let your grades drop, then it will take more effort to bring them back up. I know parties and fun events might sound more enjoyable than a term paper or an assignment, but take it from me do all your work and then you can have all the fun you want!
9. Be in charge of your load.
If you do your own laundry, please be courteous to fellow residents by keeping a timer on your phone. Once that timer goes off, please attend to your laundry. I guarantee if you wait 30 minutes or even longer, another resident will have already unloaded your washer and put his / hers in.
10. On a hunt for a job!
We have so many on campus jobs offered here at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. A tool that is frequently used in our career center is SECE. Once on their site, you should create an account put all your qualifications and search for the perfect job!
11. Office hours are your friend.
Get to know your professors and take advantage of office hours. Teacher’s love putting names to faces and if you visit them enough you will be a face they remember. If you have questions you didn’t understand from the lecture and they’re too busy after class, then go and visit them.
12. Flashcard fever.
For me, repetitiveness is essential to my study sessions. I have to have information repeated in order for me to retain it! So by making flashcards with terms or quick facts you can study very efficiently!
13. Don’t forget your room key.
You don’t want to be stranded in the middle of a residence hall lobby in your towel! Or stuck out of your dorm after a long tiring day at school. So always remember your key! I like to keep a lanyard with my I.D. and room key so I never forget it! Plus after a certain amount of times you loose your key you will get fined!
14. Smart notes are the best notes.
I love taking notes. They are very useful when pulling them up for reference. Depending on the teacher and how fast he / she is going usually depends on what kind of notes I take. If the teacher talks fast, then I usually type it on the computer then; in order to retain it I usually write it down in my notebook or do flashcards. If the teacher talks slower, then I write the notes in my notebook.
15. Remember to always have fun!
College can be very stressful! But remember you are young and these are the years to make a lot happen in your life! So take advantage of opportunities and make friends! College is so much more fun when you are having a good time!