We all have found ourselves feeling as though we have hit rock bottom; there's nothing new and exciting happening in our lives and our daily duties are stuck on repeat. What if t you could get out of the rut you are making and start heading in a positive direction? Several psychological studies have been done to show just how easy it is to get yourself off of the never-ending hamster wheel that constantly reminds you of the place you don't want to be. Lets see how you feel after you try at least two of these tips.
We all know the first step is acceptance. You can tell when you're stuck in a rut so instead of keeping the vicious cycle going, do something about it. Once you have established that you aren't going anywhere or that you are unhappy, you are one step closer to positiveness. Who doesn't want to live a more positive lifestyle?
Jot down some goals (attainable ones). Goals such as getting ahead on your class assignments, or shortening the time it takes you to run a mile will allow you to break your routine and give you motivation. I'm sure we all can think of a few goals we want to accomplish, big or small.
Find your comfort zone and push that limit. I'm sure you all have heard, "your comfort zone is not a place to be if you are wanting to succeed." This doesn't mean to make yourself completely uncomfortable. Take baby steps to get yourself to do things you would normally wouldn't. Being caught in your comfort zone will only allow yourself to experience familiar things. Trying something new may just inspire you or lead you to something you love.
By taking responsibility for you life, embracing your feelings, setting goals, and establishing where your comfort zone ends, you can escape the rut you may be in. The momentum needed for you to succeed comes from you and you only. Get out there and experience something new, make a difference, push yourself to be the best you can be and maybe you will find yourself in such a positive light you won't go back to your repetitive ways.
You may be thinking this is easier said than done. True, but if you are already stuck and there is nowhere to go but up, then not? Try it and prove yourself wrong. What do you have to loose? Leave a comment of things you do to get yourself out of a rut. Let's inspire each other with positive vibes so that we all can become the best versions of ourselves.