Being the middle child, you get the best of both worlds. It comes with the perks of being an older and younger sibling, but with the good comes the bad. While there are expectations, you are always left with forging your own path. The use of the word "middle" means a lot more than meets the eye as it refers to more than just the level of birthright. The middle child also gets sandwiched in conflict, discipline, and family matters. Being the second child of three, I have noticed through my 20 years of existence that the stigma behind being the middle child is very real. Having seen both the nice and not so nice sides of it, I have most definitely lived up to the standard in my family.
The Bad News...
1. Always being known as "the younger sister"
I can remember, from the minute I started school, being constantly being referred to as "Catie's sister." The worst part of it all was that all of my teachers loved my sister; me, not as much.
2. Living up to the standard of the older sibling
The older sibling is always known for paving the way for the rest of the family. It almost makes you wish that all your older siblings were somewhat of failures as you have to exceed the expectation. With my luck, my sister was the perfect student who never did anything wrong. Let us just say that it was a good day if I was not in "time out" during recess.
3. Being responsible for corrupting the younger sibling
When your little brother/ sister gets in trouble or says some fresh remark, you know it will turn on you. The influence of the middle child on the younger ones is almost dangerous. You always have to watch what you say and what you teach them.
4. The scapegoat
You are the one to blame. For some reason, every mishap in the house is on you. First of all, the oldest is the "good daughter/son" so it can NEVER be their fault. Worst of all, the youngest is the favorite and can NEVER do wrong. Even when they are at obvious fault, "they are too young to know what they are doing." Still waiting for my brother, age 16, to be held accountable...don't hold your breath.
5. In the middle of every argument
When your siblings are in a fight, they always look to you to be the deal breaker. Seems kinda nice at first, but there is no winning. If you were not involved before, you are now. Making the wrong decision (HINT: there is no right decision), you will have one angry brother/ sister on your hands.
The Good News...
1. Never having to go through anything first
The best part of being the middle child is the fact that you can kinda cruise through life. I know that there are struggles in everyone's life, but the middle child does not have to go through them first. My sister went through high school before me, dealt with mean girls before me, and applied to college before me. I am not saying that it made me a pro at all of these significant points in life, but I knew what to expect. Through this, I learned to look up to my sister as a role model.
2. A permanent sidekick
My little brother is, for sure, is my best friend. From the moment he was born, I took full advantage of being "the big sister" and recruited my partner in crime. I do not want to say that I tell him what to do, but I have definitely trained him well.
3. Being ignored and, sometimes, forgotten
This may seem more negative, but it has its perks. Having a helicopter mom, it is hard to believe that I get overlooked. There is a sense of freedom when you just kinda get lost in the mix. I had to find and figure out a lot on my own, and I believe I am better for it. I also get away with a significant amount as they forget about it after a while.
4. In control of every fight
As I was saying before, the middle child gets in the middle of family arguments. There is a position of power as you are the judge of the family. What you say goes. The key to success is to stay out of it until called upon and you will most likely get your way.
5. You are both mature, and a true child at heart.
I know I will always have a friend depending on my mood. Sometimes I just feel like sitting at home, gossiping, talking boys, and watching The Notebook. When I am in that mature (if that is what you want to call it) mood, I turn to my sister. Other times, I am in the mood to just be funny, childish, and adventurous. I can alway rely on my brother to be immature and goofy with me.