It's no secret that millennials have ruined the dating scene. Where did we go wrong? Why is it that dating has become such a foreign topic? We now have relationship statuses such as It's Complicated, In an Open Relationship, Friends with Benefits, or We're not Dating, Just Seeing Each Other. This is not OK. All of these relationship statuses leave at least one party unhappy in the end. These are unhealthy relationships, yet we created them and are still OK with it? We are stuck in this grey zone of not knowing where the other person stands. So back to what went wrong, my guess, a lack of communication and a fear of commitment.
Problem No. 1: Lack of Communication
Most millennials choose to communicate via electronic devices and the Internet. We are so comfortable hiding behind our screens that we can talk a big talk but never walk the walk. We can text and type how we feel, yet emotions aren't conveyed as well through screens. (No, emojis do not fully convey your intentions in a text.) Put most millennials in face-to-face conversation, and they struggle. We use apps and sites to find people with similar interests, yet if we went and talked to people in public, we may be more successful. For example, if you're looking for a work out buddy, instead of checking the interests section on that dating site, why not go to the gym on a regular basis? Then you can find people who really do share the same interests as you.
Problem No. 2: Fear of Commitment
Our generation isn't too far removed from our parents generation that followed a pretty step-by-step process.
1. Meet a girl/boy.
2. Go on dates.
3. Go steady for a while.
4. Engaged.
5. Married.
6. Kids.
Happily Ever After... Well, sort of.
Being the rebellious generation that we are, we have thrown some of those steps out the window and thrown it a middle finger while we were at it.
1. Meet a girl/boy.
2. Go on dates.
3. Go steady for a while.
4. Engaged.
5. Married.
6. Kids.
(Switch #4 and #6... #4 Optional...)
Happily Ever After... Well, sort of. Screw it, I'll make it up as I go.
While I understand, we aren't our parents, they at least knew what was going on, or had a plan of some sort. I get, this isn't an accurate representation of all of our parents, and everyone was raised different, but for me, this is reality. Many of us are afraid of settling down with one person for the rest of their lives, but sometimes you have to scare yourself a little. Take a chance on love.
We need to bring back dating. Real dating. If a guy wants to flirt with a girl (or visa-versa) and get to know her, he should ask her on a date. If it leads to more dates then the couple is dating. We need to simplify the process. Skip the confusion and complication. Let's omit the "grey area", step out of the middle. Be all in, or out.