If you know me, you know how stubborn I am. I'm even stubborn to spite myself, and it can be a huge problem sometimes. Just the other day, I was thinking about ways to get the articles I write out there for more people to see. I enjoy writing for other people, and I like sharing my work, but I don't like posting what I write and flat out asking for shares. I have done it once or twice, but I really hated it, and I didn't want to do it. And, there isn't anything wrong with asking for shares on Facebook or Twitter; it's just a personal choice that I don't want to. So, here's where being stubborn comes in. I know that if I want to share my article with more people, I should ask my friends and family to share it, but I don't want to. I want my article to be shared because people genuinely liked what I wrote and wanted to share it with people they know. I don't want recognition out of obligation. So, I end up cutting off my nose to spite my face. And, I realize that all of this article sounds like a plea for shares, but it's really about finding a way to be true to myself and not conform to something I don't like for the sake of getting what I want. There has to be a better way: or is there?
There are a lot of things in my life that I could probably be better at if I weren't so stubborn. If I would just ask for shares, if I would stop refusing to go around cars just because they aren't following the speed limit (And yes, I have actually refused to go around a car that was driving ten miles per hour under the speed limit just on principle). I shouldn't have to adjust my speed because they aren't following the rules. It was an angry drive home. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I inconvenience myself out of my own stubbornness pretty regularly. And maybe I'm the one that is holding me back the most. I've thought about ways around this and ways that I could overcome my insane stubbornness, but nothing seems fitting. I'm also stubborn enough to stay set in my ways because I don't want to change who I am just to get ahead in some aspects of my life. I mean, isn't that why the world is so power hungry and money driven today? Because too many people gave in to what the world wanted them to be and do. And I, for one, am far too stubborn to be that person, even if it means coming in last place with the values I hold near to me rather than first place with someone else's.
Maybe being stubborn is a blessing because it keeps me grounded in a world flying two miles above it's stature. I would rather be stubborn and myself everyday of the week over molded by the society I live in.