We seek it every day. We ask for it and we don't even realize we are asking for it. From asking an employee which product is best to confiding in your best friend about how to handle a personal problem, we are constantly looking for others to help in some way.
Why? Are we so dependent on others that we can't even think for ourselves? Do we not trust ourselves enough to make decisions? Are we looking for reassurance? Or are we simply trying to get an outside perspective from someone who has experience?
"Don't base your decisions on the advice of those who don't have to deal with the results."
Advice is defined as, "guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action," keyword being recommendations. Take the advice given to you into consideration when deciding what to do next, but don't let it be your decision just because it was someone else's.
Asking for help is good, but listening to yourself is better. There are situations when it is probably best to ask someone who has been there, done that for some guidance; however, there are plenty of other situations where you are the only one who knows what the next move is.
I have never been one to shy away from conflict. I don't hesitate to say what's on my mind, and that is both my strength and weakness. Nonetheless, it is the reason many people turn to me for advice.
It's definitely not because I have years of experience, I'm only 20 and most of the time I have never even been in situations like the ones they are seeking advice for. So, after talking it out, I usually end up telling them what I would do. But who cares what I would do because it's not my life!
The best thing I tell everyone who turns to me is don't be afraid to go with your instinct and trust your gut, even if what your gut is telling you is the exact opposite of what your loved ones are telling you.
And if it turns out to be a mistake...good. Life is a learning experience and if you don't make mistakes, how will you ever learn?