As much as we all like to come off as that friend who is just "so in shape!" we all have our times of falling off the wagon. Yes, I'm talking to you. You haven't been to the gym in weeks! (okay, months, I was going to try to not make you feel that bad). You have trouble admitting it to yourself, but walking up that flight of stairs to your apartment is taking a lot of breath out of you (Oh wait, It's just that deep breathing meditation you've been working on, right?) As much as you have enjoyed the lazy days of doing the bare minimum that life requires of you, we all know that it is time to stop pretending you're in shape and actually get your ass back in motion. Here are some tips and tricks straight from real life people on how to put down your laptop, get out of your cozy bed and get back to the gym:
1. Exercise first thing in the morning.
"It's all about getting out of bed in the morning and just getting your shoes on. Once I do, I'm like, damn I'm in the zone."
-Iva Musnuff (University of Delaware Student)
2. Make a detailed plan to keep yourself dedicated.
"When you want to start something productive ... on top of all the other things that you're doing ... people start making excuses and start justifying to themselves that they'll be completely fine without dedicating time to the gym to better their physical fitness. I would start listing the benefits and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle ... the thing is, it's black and white; either you're in or you're out. It's either 100 percent or 0 percent."
-Anton Yanitskiy (Paroblic Performance and Rehab)
3. Use your previous self as inspiration.
"If you're getting back into it and meanwhile you have gained weight, it's helpful to look at photos of yourself when you were doing well. Sometimes we forget how well we were doing and looking at a stronger version of ourselves can kick start your motivation."
-Dana Tirico (Executive Chef)
4. Take Care of Yourself Inside and Out
"Get your life routine on track, a good nights sleep, cleaning and organizing your living space, following a schedule can put us in the right frame of mind to care for our bodies. Washing your face and brushing your teeth at night. Sounds silly, but when we remember how to care for ourselves we want more"
-Dana Tirico (Executive Chef)
5. Just force yourself.
"Just go to the gym one time. Make yourself go and you'll feel tired and sore but it'll be totally worth it. After that one time of pushing yourself, even though you don't want to at the time, you'll want to go back again"
-Jonathan Mandl (Montclair State University Student)
6. Plan ahead.
"If I'm off track I write it in my planner, because I usually come through"
-Andrew Meyer (Special Projects Cordinator)
Getting and staying in shape is a lot of give and take. It is about dedication, but even more than that it is about being consistent. What do you do to get yourself motivated after a slump? Leave any tips in the comments below!