Whether or not you went away for spring break this year, you're probably not excited to be back in the swing of things just yet. Here's some stuff we all resent now that we're back in classes.
1. Bombardment of homework
2. Your loss of sense of reality
3. Skin peeling from excess of sun
4. Or the reality that you didn't go anywhere tropical and your skin is still as pasty as it was a week before
5. Second-guessing your schedule cause you're all outta whack
6. Everyone asking you "how your break was" and you just "really don't care"
8. Not wanting to unpack (if you travelled)
8. Having to throw expired food out of your fridge
9. Having to restock that fridge
10. Not having an excuse to eat anything you want
11. Blowing all your money in Cancun
12. Having to pretend you're interested when your professors tell you how much they worked over break
13. Being forced to sift through countless #white girl spring break albums
14. Weeklong hangover
15. Walking to class versus walking on the beach