Where are my girls at? I'm talking about the ones who shamelessly need their seven hours of sleep at night to even think about getting out of bed on time the next morning. I am no doubt one of them, and over the years, I noticed patterns that seem to repeat themselves time and time again, despite my best efforts.
1. Anything before 10am is just too early.
"Hey, want to meet for breakfast?"
"Sure, what time?"
"8:30 in the caf?"
"Sorry, I can't..."
2. And when you get stuck with an early class, you make every effort to avoid it.
It's on these days that your roommate probably reminds you that you can't miss EVERY class before 10.
3. So you plan it out to the VERY last minute you can sleep in the morning.
Class at 9am? *sets alarm for 8:53*
4. But you still make sure you have enough time to run to Starbucks before you book it to class.
You know just how much time it takes the barista to pour your grande caramel iced coffee with room, with enough time to spare for you to add the cream and sugar (3 minutes 42 seconds to be exact).
5. When you come home you realize you have to get up earlier for your plans.
Everything is a farther trip than a 10 minute walk across campus.
6. On weekends its not unusual to sleep in WAY later than normal.
Sometimes to the point that your roommate wakes you up simply because it's almost noon.
7. But anyone who takes this risk may be asking for trouble.
I'm truly sorry for anything I said to you before noon.
8. You are known for moving plans back if they are made too early in the morning.
"Hey, can we push that start time back to 11?"
9. You're one of the first ones to leave an event because you want to shower and get to bed.
"Hey, I'll see y'all tomorrow!"
10. Sometimes you'd drop *not so subtle* hints to your roommate to ask her guests to leave.
*Crawls under the covers and turns your back to the room*
11. You'll wake up and check your phone to see all the conversations you missed from the night before.
32 texts and 24 snapchats later...
12. Your'e a self-proclaimed power napper
Never underestimate the power of a midday nap
13. You're known as the "not a morning person" person in your friend group