Thanksgiving is an amazing, wonderful thing. It is a time to rest and catch up with family. You get to eat great food and sleep in your own bed; it’s great. But it is also the most dangerous thing for any college student.
Let’s be real here, no one likes to study when they are at home trying to relax. It is much easier to talk yourself into watching Gilmore Girls (I’m late to the party, so I am only on season 2 oops) on Netflix and taking way too many naps. No matter how many times you tell yourself to study you end up doing something else and say “I’ll study after this.” Well, as most of us know, we never studied after anything, and Sunday we came back to campus to find ourselves in a really deep hole. Stressed. We missed out on a huge opportunity to get ahead of the game and study earlier, but of course, we didn’t. Now it’s Monday and we are having huge regrets and wondering how we let it come to this. And this is college, how fun. You’re never really “on a break” until the semester is over, but we don’t let that stop us from telling ourselves that we are finished. Then reality hits after the turkey is all gone and we’re stuck pulling all-nighters to study. It’s not fun at all and we regret it every time, but for some reason, we never change. We hope that our professors will be give us grace and change our due dates, but as we know, that never happens. The truth is no matter how much we want scream at our professors, “We were on a break!!” like Ross did to Rachel, it will never work, and they don’t really have much sympathy for us. So we suck it up and get to work, because we have tests this week and we aren’t prepared at all.
Oh college, it’s so fun and we love it, but it is also the most stressful time ever. And, it is all because we are stubborn and make it that way.