From acing a serve to hitting a drop shot, tennis undoubtedly makes you feel ALIVE. Literally. The sport is fit for everyone — from children to college students to sixty-year-olds. There is no age limit for the sport and certainly no exceptions to these universal struggles known to tennis players.
1. Getting the Finger
Via TennisWorldUSA
Yes, that vertical/horizontal half-erect limb demonstrating your loss of a point. The quick and simple gesture makes you wonder: was it really out, though? But don't worry, your instant dismay can be quickly replaced by satisfaction when you give it back.
2. Double-Faulting
I do it. You do it. We all do it. And, we hate ourselves for it. Although double-faulting makes you feel worse than forgetting a birthday, that feeling can be dispelled. Focus on the next point, take a deep breath and mentally go through your routine before serving. There is no rush, and you'll feel more prepared.
3. The Tan Lines
Via TestingBlogPurp
To avoid ankle irritation, annoyance from riding down and the fashion police, we wear low-cut socks. However, we suffer from tennis tan lines. Neck, shoulders, back and feet are the major victims. And for high schoolers, it is perfect for prom season! Thanks, tennis.
4. Hard, Abused Calluses
Via AbbottFootClinic
From your grip on your racket and grip on the ground, calluses form on your fingers and toes. They're like that distant family friend who claims they've known you since you were THIS tall while gesturing a foot below your height, yet you don't remember them, and the friend keeps reappearing in your life.
5. Deuce, Deuce, Deuce
Via Reddit
Oh, the endless rallies. You switch from deuce court to ad court so many times that you automatically start walking to the other side after each point. Wanting to end the point so badly, but it's risky, so you play it safe and keep hitting the ball back hoping your opponent will mess up first.
Via EuroSchoolofTennis
The blinding ball of flame in your eyes when serving isn't the only reminder that it is there. Having the rays shine on your body during a match leaves you dripping with sweat and more exhausted than ever. Make sure to hydrate yourself frequently and wear sunscreen. A visor would be a good idea, too.
7. Blasts from the Wind
Via JoeBaraban
Two words: patience and topspin. These are your friends. When serving while there is a strong wind, you take your time and keep bouncing the ball until the wind gets more tame before taking your serve. And if you play for a team, you know all too well about balls ending up in your court and "let" comes out of your mouth too often.
8. Losing Track of the Score
Via FoxSports
Whether it be from a long rally or not being able to hear your opponent call out the score, it's almost embarrassing when you forget the score. Having to ask your opponent shows lack of confidence and trying to figure it out by which side of the court you are playing on gets confusing.
Though we have all experienced these instances, we also share a trait endurance. So get back on the court and start hitting!