My name is Erica Lissner and if you talked to any of my close family or friends they would probably tell you I'm at least a little bit crazy. I live a hectic life style and am always on the go, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I currently am a full-time college student, a division III college ice hockey player, as well as an employee at a local restaurant in the town I go to school in.I am extremely busy at all times.
My main focus is on school. School is part of the reason I stretch myself so thin. I'm the ultimate procrastinator. With school, hockey, and work, procrastinating is not an option. I give myself minimal free time in order to make sure that free time is used productively. I take 16 credit hours which means on average I'm in the classroom for about 9 and a half hours every week. With each of these hours comes an average of an hour of homework. This nearly doubles my classroom time a week. These hours I spend in the library thanks to a study hall requirement my coach set for our team. I am forced to use study hall hours productively due to my crazy schedule. I find myself stressing over this various assignments but ultimately finishing them.
Hockey has added to my crazy work load so far this semester. I am fortunate to have hockey early in the morning so I can still have the entire day to get my school work done and then ultimately go to work. This is not easy though. Being up at 4:30 am and closing at 10 pm can be a huge struggle. This is particularly tough because my crazy schedule does not allow for a nap during the day and rarely leaves me down time. I find myself crashing directly after entering my room. Not only am I tired from hockey but I'm also physically exhausted and sore. But It's a game I love and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am one of those crazy individuals who is not forced to work at school but chooses to. But let's be real working at a restaurant during school is great! It means an hourly wage, tips, and discounted food during your shift. What else could a college student need? The money I make at this restaurant allows me to live freely during school and never having to worry about various expenses that come up, and when that new trend comes I have the cash to drop on the items necessary. I didn't work last year during the school year and found living off the little money I saved over the summer somewhat of a struggle. This year has comparatively been a breeze. Also, I find myself more productive now mixing work into the mix. Instead of laying in bed like a bum watching Netflix I'm up and moving at work.
I would not change my go, go,go lifestyle for anything. Although I'm tired, stressed out, and question socializing in my spare time I love the way I've chosen to live at school. I am always busy whether it's hockey, school, work, or hanging out with friends there is never a dull moment and I wouldn't have it any other way. The struggle is real, but the struggle is worth it.