In high school, it was easy to eat healthy food and stay in shape. I don’t know if it was because my mom cooked healthy foods or because I was on such a set schedule, but it never seemed near as difficult as it has in college. Being healthy in college is hard.
Eating Cafeteria Food
Even though there are healthy options, I get pretty tired of eating salads and vegetables that taste like they were in a freezer for two months. Ultimately, I end up getting some kind of pasta or breaded meat (if the meat looks edible) and end up feeling super full and heavy. Hello Freshman 15.
Working Out
I hate physical activity. Hate it with a passion. But recently, working out is the only way I can be healthy at school. The only problem is that I’m so busy during the day with my classes to the point where I can only workout at night. I don’t know about you, but working out gives me a lot of energy; and makes it to where I am unable to fall asleep at night if I work out. Good for staying up late, bad for morning classes.
Sleep Schedule
Like I even have to describe this one. College is notorious for stealing sleep. Whether it is because you have an essay due the next morning or you’re spending time with your friends, you’re probably not going to go to bed until at least 12. If you’re in bed before then, you most likely spend time on your phone until you fall asleep. The problem with staying up late is having to get up the next morning. You still need at at least 6 hours of sleep, which is hard to get when you finish an essay at 3 a.m. and have class at 8 a.m. Naps help you revitalize — if you take them at the right time and for the right amount of time. But if you’re taking naps after 4 p.m., or for longer than an hour, you’re probably doing yourself more harm than good.
Another given in college: you’re going to get stressed. A lot. And if you’re human, being stressed is going to affect your sleep, work performance, and health. I have been sick 4 times just this semester and I still have a month left of potential sickness. While stress is inevitable, it is important to find a good coping strategy so you are still able to function well and stay on top of your work.
College is loads of fun and probably one of the greatest experiences of my life so far, but it’s still tough. Staying on top of your studies, staying in shape, maintaining good health, and having fun is hard to balance. A nice thing to know, though, is that you’re not the only one with this problem. Everyone has to learn balance at sometime in their life! This just happens to be your time. I know it’s mine!