No woman wants to be six foot tall, but we don't want to be the shortest person in the room, either. Five foot, 8 inches is too tall and 5'3" is too short, so unless you fall somewhere in the middle there, you know the struggle of being too tall or too short. I happen to be the short friend.
People refer to you as "shorty."
People will rest their arm on your shoulder.
People will make jokes about how you can't reach things in certain places.
High shelves are the devil. They are only used for things you will most likely never use.
People will offer to help you reach things, even though you have ways to get to everything.
Most people have to bend down to hug you.
Also, you have to go on your tip-toes to hug them.
You use your tip toes for a lot of things actually.
You have to move the car seat whenever you drive someone else's car because you can't even reach the pedal.
Ottomans have a whole new meaning.
People will make the "Oh, I didn't see you there," joke because they think they're clever.
Even in heels, you're still short.
People always mention how short you are (like you didn't already know).
There's always that awkward gap in pictures where your one friend towers over you.
It's not all a struggle, though.
One of the plus sides of being the short friend is you most likely have small feet, so none of your friends can borrow your shoes, but you can fit into theirs.
We also look cuter with taller guys. So, it isn't all a struggle.