My original plan was to write this article in a completely sarcastic tone. However, sarcasm through a computer screen is difficult for readers to pick up on, especially if you do not know me personally.
Sarcasm is my middle name. I find myself making sarcastic comments here and there without even realizing that I am being sarcastic. Anyone who speaks the language of “Sarcasm” can agree with the struggles that go along with being a sarcastic a**hole.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun being that sarcastic a**hole. However, sometimes it’s difficult trying to get others to understand what you really mean. Below is a list of some of the struggles that come along with speaking the language of “Sarcasm.”
1. “Was that sarcasm?” That three-worded question will be the death of you. When your sarcasm isn’t as obvious as you hoped, people question whether you were serious or not.
2. People don’t know if you are being serious or not. There are those few times you are actually being serious. When you are serious, people often question whether or not you were serious. Which leads us back to the question of, “Was that sarcasm?”
3. Texting something sarcastic is almost always taken out of context. If you dare to send a sarcastic text, the receiver usually doesn’t understand the sarcasm you are trying to portray. Therefore, it’s basically impossible to be sarcastic over text unless the other person knows you are really being sarcastic. Why bother being sarcastic in text when you know it might not go over well? It’s best to stick to sarcasm in person rather than through a text message.
4. Sometimes you don’t even realize yourself that you were being sarcastic. Sometimes the sarcasm just rolls off your tongue without you realizing it.
5. When you say something nice to someone, he or she questions you. “Wait, did you really mean that?” If you genuinely mean something, it can be misconstrued as you being rude because you are sarcastic so often. People don’t know the difference between your sarcasm and you being genuine.
6. You have to apologize when your sarcasm isn’t taken well. Your sarcasm doesn’t always go over well, so sometimes you find yourself apologizing before anyone gets more offended.
7. You often have to tone down your sarcasm when talking with strangers. Talking to strangers basically means you can’t be yourself because you don’t want to offend anyone if they don’t understand your sarcasm. Therefore, you watch everything you say just to be safe. It isn’t fun not being true to yourself, but often it's the right thing to do. Once you're friends with that person, they’ll get to know the real, sarcastic person you truly are.
8. That confused look someone gives you. You know exactly what look I’m talking about.
9. Even though you may regret some sarcastic comments, you will never change your ways. Sarcasm for life.
In the end, you will stay as true to yourself as possible. Not everyone like your sarcasm, but you like your sarcasm. People will have to deal with it.
If you don't want me to be sarcastic, then don't ask me a stupid question.