The stairs at Willard Hall
Just a no at 8:00 A.M.
Rushing to make the shuttle
Especially for my fellow "northies," do you really want to do that mile walk to Perkins?
Navigating the shuttle
For my non-"northies," sucks to suck
The line for Starbucks in Smith Hall
You might want to pass on that pumpkin spice latte if you plan on making your lecture
Loading up take-out boxes at Russel and Pencader dining halls
Totally not self-conscious of taking two sandwiches and three bagels to last you an eternity
Waiting at crosswalks
Make a new friend as you wait a million years at the light
It's not illegal if you're not caught
Morris Library printing
I need to hand in that assignment, but do I really want to change my password again?
Navigating UDSIS
Yeah mom, I totally know what credits I need to graduate.
The winter break
As much as we joke and complain about UD, there is no where we'd rather be, and the winter is going to suck if you're not studying abroad in Paris.