Trying to balance the transition of school into career, maintain a thriving social life and figure out where you fit in this world is the every day life for a young professional.
Here's the struggle from my hot mess perspective...
When you get your first paycheck:
Cheers to you barely breaking even while you work to get your way out of student loan debt for years to come
When you realize you don't own any professional clothing:
"How many times can I get away with wearing these pants this week?"
Being late because "back that azz up" was on:
"Sorry, Not Sorry. That's my jam"
Every staff meeting when you're on a diet:
The boss wants you to be fat. Really.
Dealing with stress breaks out right before the day of a big meeting:
"Hello, Sephora?'s an emergency."
When your boss asks you to attend a meeting which you know nothing about:
"It was a good meeting. Yeah. Lots of very interesting things were said."When someone from the office catches you sneaking that donut after the meeting:
"What!? I've got student loans to pay!"
Introducing yourself again to people you know you've met:
"Hi, I'm..still not important enough to remember."
Or worse...running into people who knew you before you had your shit together:
"Please don't let them see me, please dont let them see me...oh hey!"
Thursday Night:
"Fuck it, one more drink! I'll call in."
Friday Morning:
"What was I thinking? There's no way I can call in"