No more teachers, no more books....unless you're taking summer classes... *If you have been personally victimized by summer classes, please raise your hand*
1. The weather is so nice!
Who wants to be inside studying or in class when it's so nice out? It's 80 and sunny and you're in the library looking out the window. Everyone's getting their tans and you're lucky if you get a little Vitamin D on your walk to class. Air conditioning is nice during summer but only if you've been outside sweating...unfortunately when you spend all day in the air conditioned library, you end up starting to bring a sweatshirt. Personally, I'd much rather have my toes in the sand than my head in a textbook.
2. Work. Class. Homework. Sleep. Repeat.
It seems like all you do during summer is work and school. A day in the life of a student taking summer classes is going to work, going to class, coming home, doing homework, going to bed, and waking up the next morning to repeat all of it. This is just so draining! What ever happened to summer being fun? Fun in the sun? No part of that includes classes, tests, and homework!
3. The library has shortened hours.
You can't even pull an all nighter because the library closes at 10pm on weekdays. During the week you have to rush straight from work or class to the library to get a few hours of studying in before they close. Everyone knows how tough it is to study in your dorm when your laptop is right there and the new season of Orange is the New Black is calling your name. Why can't my textbook be that interesting?
4. You can't make as much money as you want
You can't work as many hours because you have to leave to go to class. Then you're not keeping all the money you make because you have to pay for classes and textbooks. Summer is all about working as many hours as you can to make all the money you can. This money has to last you through the summer, the school year, and put some in savings too. You have to pay off loans and the money goes by fast. But it goes by even faster when you're dropping $200 on a textbook for an $800 class! If you take multiple classes, forget about it! That's so much money and you're burning yourself out working and taking classes to keep up with everything.
5. It moves so fast!
A normal semester is 15 weeks but summer semesters are only six. That means you're doing double the work every single week! It's hard to really grasp concepts and get all the homework done when you're moving at such a fast pace. You don't have time to get to know your classmates because the semester ends as soon as it starts. You're just getting into the swing of things when spring semester ends and summer semester starts!