Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? And who knew a cartoon sponge would be so relatable, especially to a bunch of college kids residing in the lower half of New England? Here are a few of the many struggles SHU students faced as told by the iconic sea sponge himself, Spongebob Squarepants.
1. When you miss the shuttle because you put your faith in the Ride Systems app.
Transportation is a very important thing- especially if you don't happen to be blessed in having a car on campus. So when you think the shuttle is arriving at 2:00 and you get there at 1:58, only to see that it already departed and the estimated pick up time for you is 2:36, welp it kinda feels like Rock Bottom. (See what I did there?)
2. That God-forsaken walk back from Linda's to your dorm.
"And my feet are killing me." It's a good thing that that buffalo chicken quesadilla or mile high burger is almost always worth it. Speaking of food, that brings us to our next struggle...
3. When you swipe in at 63's after 2 and between 4 before realizing the courses aren't out.
Thank GOD that the pasta is always there.
4. Using a computer from the printing lab and waiting for the sign in to go through:
"We're not cavemen! We have technology!"
5. When the Ben and Jerry's restock still hasn't come in at Outtakes.
This one may just be me, but there are standards with ice cream.. and honestly those last two pints just don't cut it for me. (I'm talking to you, Cherry Garcia.)
6. Spending all of your declining dollars before the semester is over like:
Cause of death: The cup $4.50 cup of fruit and the burrito station. (Chartwell's, if you're reading this, it's probably too late.)
7. The library or any study space during finals/midterms week
Don't cha just love how tiny our school is?
These are just some of the many struggles that have become like second nature to all of us. Just remember to keep calm, and always make sure that despite these struggles, you're still living like Larry.