Registering for classes is a struggle and one most college students do not enjoy including myself.
1.2 weeks before- figuring out which class times to have as first and second choices for each of the 6 classes I need to take
2.1 week before- looking to make sure classes I want weren’t filled up by all the upperclassmen who already registered
3.Night before- setting multiple alarms to make sure I’m up in time
4.Waking up- ugh why am I up so early to register
5.Stressing about it
6.Making sure to not log in to early but also not too late so watching time very very closely
7.Typing in pin and CRN numbers super fast and hoping to not mess up at all
8.Shoot I only have 12 credits and I need 18. Time to email professors
9. Yes I got an email for one of the classes so I’m at 15. Now for this last class
10. Finally done I have 18 credits