I've known I have anemia for longer than I can remember, I had it when I was little but then it seemed to go away for a time before resurfacing a few years ago. Let me start off by explaining what anemia is. Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. In simpler terms, the type of anemia I have is an iron deficiency. It can manifest itself in many ways, the following is a list of the ways that I've experienced.
1. Pale appearance.
I've always been the palest one in almost every group of friends. Even when I get a tan over the summer it only brings my skin tone to that of most people with no tan at all. It's something I've come to embrace, I was made to be pale and that's how I'll always be.2. Lightheaded/Dizziness/Headaches.
This is quite possibly the worst one. It gets especially worse the lower my iron levels get, if I go a long time without taking my supplements, the dizzy spells are the biggest indicator. Sometimes they're so bad I just have to sleep them off. Often mistaken for dehydration, although I am usually dehydrated as well.
3. Tiredness/Fatigue.
It's not exactly sleepiness, but its more of just a constant state of exhaustion. I have more energy and perk up a bit after I've been taking my iron supplements, but it can still be a struggle getting out of bed and getting energized.4. Nose Bleeds.
This one isn't commonly listed as a symptom of anemia but is one I experienced frequently as a child. I would be playing calmly with my brothers or a friend and blood would just spontaneously spurt out of my nose. That's probably the reason I'm not really afraid of blood as an adult. I also learned the best ways to deal with nose bleeds, and that hydrogen peroxide will get blood out of almost any clothing.
5. Brittle/Warped Nails.
In my personal experience I found warped nails are more common for me than brittle nails. It's also a definitive sign that my iron levels are extremely low and have been for a while. It's more difficult to tell when my nails are painted and usually if I've reached the point where my nails are warping I've probably already experienced bouts of dizziness.These are just a few of the side effects of anemia that I've lived with for as long as I can recall. Additionally I bruise like a peach! I once got a dime size bruise from my friend poking me in the same spot repeatedly. It also takes my body just a little bit longer to heal from wounds than most people. Granted, these things all only happen if I let my iron levels get low, as long as I keep up with taking my supplements (I'm terrible at remembering to take pills) I can function as the happy, healthy person that I prefer to be.