Having a college roommate can be a really great experience. Not only do you have someone that basically has no choice but to be your friend, they now become a steady constant in your new life while also becoming a part of your new home away from home. Of course, sometimes roommates just don't get along, and we've all heard of the horror stories of having terrible roommates. Either way, if you are currently rooming with someone, or have ever had to, you can definitely relate to these next few things that roommates go through.
1. Meeting each other for the first time and not knowing if you will click.
Especially if you went in random, you basically have no clue about this person.
Once you start to get to know each other, you begin to find out that it is definitely a struggle living with someone else, no matter how much you like them.
2. Your roommate has an early morning class and his or her alarm constantly goes off while you are trying to sleep.
3. Dealing with each other's cleaning habits.
...or should I say, non-cleaning habits.
4. You get officially sexiled for the first time.
The awkward moment when your roommate has someone over when all you wanted to do was watch Netflix or catch up on some much-needed sleep.
5. You are learning to share...but then one of you takes it too far.
Whether it is clothes, food, or makeup… someone gets pushed to their limit.
6. People may have unique habits that they bring to college.
...and sometimes that might include different hygiene habits than what you are used to.
7. You have your first fight and immediately feel like this whole roommate thing isn't going to work.
8. Your roommate doesn't believe in headphones.
Talking all day and night on the phone with their best friend from back home, blasting music while you are trying to study, or the slightest movements becoming slamming drawers and doors on purpose.
9. He or she is always in the room.
10. At the end of the day, you wouldn't want to room with anyone else.
Now, most of these have been about the negative aspects of having a roommate, but your roommate can also become your best friend. You may not always get along, but you have formed a bond and have conquered school together. Your roommate was probably your first friend on campus and has now become one of your best friends. So, while they can get on your nerves, remember that you probably do things that bother them, too. But when it comes down to it, you wouldn't want to room with anyone else. At least in my case.