This might sound like I’m bragging, but trust me I’m really not. Having a big personality has its definitive downfalls. Don’t get me wrong, I’d definitely rather be noticed than be in the shadows. But, with a big personality comes equally big annoyances.
1. People will always have an extreme opinion about you.
If they like you, they really like you, but if they don’t, oh boy, they really don’t like you. I’ve had people not like me for reasons that I don’t even think they knew. But hey, not everyone’s going to like you, and the sooner you realize it and get out, the sooner you’ll be happy.
2. People think you’re an aggressive person.
This is especially true if you’re a woman. I’ve been called a bitch so many times that it’s starting to become a compliment to me.
You are going to intimidate people even if you’re the friendliest person ever. It’s not so much your problem as it is theirs, but it’s still kind of annoying regardless.
3. Going off that, if you’re a woman with a big personality, you will intimidate guys.
You can imagine how this would make dating hard; guys like to be in charge, and they don’t like to be challenged. That leaves girls like me at a disadvantage because we don’t like being pushed around or told what to do.
4. You want people to challenge you but they usually don't.
It's also unfortunate because we always want someone to challenge us, but we tend to attract weaker guys that like to be pushed around.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I know for myself that I don’t like a guy that I can walk all over. I like a guy that can challenge me and my personality. I have yet to find a guy that can do that, but, my boyfriend application will be up soon so keep an eye out for that.
5. When you have a strong presence it can be felt positively and negatively.
The positive is pretty self-explanatory. When you’re on it, everything is well and dandy. The negative is a little trickier. When I say your presence is felt negatively, I mean that when you’re not feeling it, everyone else will feel it. Your mood will be tangible whether you like it or not.
I know for myself I need to be careful because, when I’m not in a good mood, everyone knows it instantly. It’s not that I’m trying to be manipulative, it’s just that unfortunately because I have a strong personality when I’m in a bad mood it’s very obvious.
6. When you’re not feeling sociable it will be noted. Trust me.
Some days I just don’t feel the need to be the big personality in the room, and without fail I always get asked if I’m okay. It’s kind of funny to me because I’m totally fine, I just don’t feel like talking probably because I’m legitimately tired.
But people are going to think you’re mad or angry and probably call you a bitch and you’re just going to have to be okay with it.
I don’t actually have that much of a problem with my big personality. As narcissistic as it sounds, I actually like being one of the more noticeable people in a room. I wrote this in hopes that other people like me could relate to the struggles of being one of those noticeable people.