Calling all bookworms, bibliophiles, bookaholics, voracious readers, or whatever else you may be called. Gather around for a list detailing just seven of the hardships we, as book lovers, experience.
1. Reading in Public
It is an undeniable fact that at least once in your book reading career you will be stuck in the horribly tricky situation where you are reading your book in a public setting, and then bam, the hilarious character makes a joke that sends you into a fit of giggles, or a plot twist no one saw coming triggers a verbal gasp, or much worse- a depressing, heart wrenching, plot-shattering event occurs that plunges you into a silent sob (yeah, I'm looking at you The Book Thief and Me Before You).
2. The Never Ending TBR Pile
I think every reader falls victim to having a 'to be read' pile that seems to never diminish and just seems to grow. Oh so many books to read, so little time.
3. Friends Who Don't Read
Every reader knows the struggle of trying to share a recently read, or all time favorite book with a friend who isn't the biggest fan of reading.You may gush over why it is necessary to their very existence that they drop everything and read this particular book or you could recommend a plethora of books they would enjoy but they could seem less than interested. However, this won't stop you. Persevere!
4. "Why do you read so much?"
Every reader has undoubtedly received this question that undoubtedly one of the most frustrating questions we have to answer, constantly. We read to experience varied lives and far truths beyond the ones set in front of us.
5. Falling In Love With Fictional Characters
6. Movie Adaptations
When a book to movie adaptation is announced, it is an extremely anxious time for readers. Will it be good, great, horrible? Will muggles (non-readers) reach a sour conclusion on our favorite book because the movie falls short? (I am looking at you Percy Jackson, The Great Gatsby, Eragon, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Eat Pray Love, and more..)
7. Book Hangovers
As a reader, when you finish a good book too often you are left in a muddled, despondent state with an ache in your book-driven heart that can't be filled. You may even slip into a reading slump, where you can't get into any book you pick up.