Being between the ages of 18-25 can be a really weird time. I know people my age who are already married with kids, people who can't even manage to show up to their 3 PM class on time, and people who are somewhere in the middle (myself included). There are some days where I feel like I have totally conquered the whole #adulting thing, and some days where I feel so disorganized that I wonder if I will ever make it as a normal, functioning adult. If you're anything like me, you'll know these 5 things to be true about being stuck in the "in between".
1. The pressure to choose a career
Ah, the dreaded question. "What are you planning to do with the rest of your life?" It sounds pretty daunting, but I'm guilty of asking it to my peers and family members as well as a victim of this question ALL. OF. THE. TIME. The truth is, none of us really know the answer to this one just yet. You might have an idea or goal that you're striving for, but the purpose of getting an education is to take classes that help you find your niche. So if you don't have a solid answer to this one, don't fret too much.
2. Your relationship status
Relationships are something that vary so much for us "in betweeners". If you're in a relationship, you probably get the question "So are you two going to get married someday?" (to which I kindly answer, I don't even have enough money to pay my car insurance, so um definitely not a WEDDING...) . And if you aren't in a relationship, it's more of a "When are you going to find "the one" already?" (which is a lot of pressure that you really just don't need in your life right now). As we approach closer to the age where we're supposed to "have everything figured out", there's more and more pressure to solidify a relationship. But whether you're planning on staying with your person forever, just seeing where life takes you, or not really sure which side you're on, I promise you that you WILL find love and you WILL be okay (and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!).
3. Trying to find money
And I'm not even joking about this one, sometimes it literally feels like I am going to FIND money. I have a job on campus that doesn't make nearly as much as I'd like it to (and that I quite honestly don't have time for), but even with that I feel like I am constantly searching for money. Whether it is participating in research studies on campus, filling out those random surveys to get a $15 Amazon gift card, or seeing a $5 bill on the floor and feeling like you've just won the lottery, any way to get money is much appreciated.
4. Deciding what to eat
No matter how many times you try to convince yourself that the food offered on your college meal plan is healthy, it's time to accept that the 2 pieces of lettuce they add to that cheeseburger are not all that nutritious and probably soggy anyway. The question is, are you willing to go out of your way and spend time and money acquiring some REAL healthy food, or just accept the college food and move on with your life. It's only 4 years and then you'll get back on track right?
5. Clothing choices
To look like a real human...or throw on a pair of sweats and call it a day? Not exactly the biggest problem in the world, but it's definitely one I debate with myself every morning. The thought of possibly seeing someone important or just wanting to look nice in general makes me want to put on a nice pair of jeans and some makeup, but the sweatshirt that is 2 sizes too large sitting in the corner of my room is just too hard to resist. Besides, aren't college students supposed to look like bums?
In the end, most of us are probably in an "in between" phase in our lives. While it might feel like you've got nothing figured out, just remember to enjoy where you're at right now and everything WILL work itself out :)