Anyone can say that they love animals. However, there's those few that you come across that take loving animals to a whole different level. I classify myself as being one of those people. So here are some constant struggles an animal lover has to deal with on a daily basis...
1. You follow pages like " Cats_of_instagram" or "animal_video" on social media
When you follow more animal pages then actual people
2. Constantly having to tell your friends or family about any pet encounter
3. Going to parties and heading straight for the pets
I'll be the one in the corner...petting the dog...not socializing with anyone
4. Having fur on your clothes doesn't even bother you, it's almost a fashion statement
No outfit is complete without cat hair
5. Going to shelters or pet shops are constant reminder of all the animals you can't have
My mom gets weekly texts about available animals at the shelter
6. People find it weird when you talk to your pets
7. Taking an animal dying in movie way to seriously
8. When you visit home, you're more excited to see your pets than your parents or siblings
The moment you can take countless pictures with your pets to show them off
9. You always want to show people funny animal videos
Because who doesn't love a dancing dog
10. Anyone who wears fur becomes your nemesis
How dare they!
11. Not caring how crazy people think you are for thinking that all creatures deserve equal rights
12. When having a bad day can only be cured by looking up "cute animal pics"
13. Suffering through years of chemistry because you want to work with animals no matter what
Life is great but pets make it better